Performance Tuning

Performance tuning is the improvement of system performance. Typically in computer systems, the motivation for such activity is called a performance problem, which can be either real or anticipated. Most systems will respond to increased load with some degree of decreasing performance. A system's ability to accept higher load is called scalability, and modifying a system to handle a higher load is synonymous to performance tuning.


    • Introduction to performance tuning

      • Understand the basic principles of performance tuning and analysis.
    • Collecting, graphing, and interpreting data

      • Gain proficiency using basic analysis tools and evaluating data.
    • General tuning

      • Learn basic tuning theory and mechanisms used to tune the system.
    • Limiting resource usage

      • Allocate resources for best performance by limiting resource usage.
    • Hardware profiling

      • Understand and analyze hardware.
    • Software profiling

      • Analyze CPU and memory performance of applications.
    • Using SystemTap

      • Use systemtap for profiling software.
    • Small file tuning

      • Tune a server for a workload involving frequent reads and writes of small files.
    • Large memory workload tuning

      • Understand memory management and tuning.
    • Tuning for a CPU-intensive workload

      • Understand tuning for CPU-bound applications.
    • File server tuning

      • Understand storage and network tuning in the context of a file server application.
    • Database server tuning

      • Tune memory and network performance using a database application as an example.
    • Power usage tuning

      • Tune systems with power consumption in mind.
    • Virtualization tuning

      • Tune 'host' and 'guest' for efficient virtualization.
    • Red Hat Performance Tuning Comprehensive Review

      • Do a comprehensive overview of the course.

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